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Our Meetings

Throughout the year, Launceston Branch holds a number of meetings and workshops that may be of interest to members and non-members. These are held either at our Library, City Park Stables, Tamar Street or at the Elderly Citizens Club rooms in Landale Street, Invermay.

The Annual General Meeting is held in April and includes a guest speaker who is an expert in some aspect of family history research.

The British Interest Group is open to members and meets monthly, usually focusing on a specific topic related to British ancestors.

The DNA Discussion Circle meets several times a year to assist members with their DNA queries. 

Workshops, on a subject of interest to family historians, are held in March, June and September and are open to members and non-members. This event also provides an opportunity for attendees to meet and mingle over afternoon tea.

A social gathering, usually an afternoon tea or lunch, occurs at the end of November to celebrate Christmas and marks the end of the Library year prior to a 6 week closure over the Christmas/New Year period.

Coming Meetings

A list of our coming meeting details


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Site last updated August 2024