Tasmanian Family History Society Launceston header


Membership of the Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. is open to anyone over the age of 18 years who is interested in tracing their Genealogy and Family History.

All members receive copies of the Society's journal 'Tasmanian Ancestry' published quarterly in March, June, September and December.

Members are entitled to free access to all of the Society's Branch Libraries and have reciprocal rights with many other libraries in other States.

Annual Subscriptions

Ordinary     $50.00

Joint Members
(2 people living at the same address)  $60.00

Australian Concession  $40.00

Australian Joint Concession  $50.00

All fees are in Australian Dollars and are payable each year by 1 April.

While it is still possible to complete a paper membership form with various payment options, the preferred method is to apply and pay online.

Online membership application form

Other Options:

Paper application forms for the Launceston area may be downloaded from here. Alternatively, they may be obtained from, and returned to, the Launceston Branch Library during opening hours or they may be posted to:

The  Membership Secretary
PO Box 1290
Tasmania 7250

For other locations in Tasmania see Tasmanian Family History Society Inc.

Overseas and Interstate Memberships should be sent direct to:

The Treasurer
Tasmanian Family History Society. Inc
PO Box 326
Rosny Park
Tasmania 7018

©TFHS Inc. All rights reserved
Site last updated June 2024