We have a small team of volunteers who will undertake research for members and non-members. The fees charged for this research help to support the Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. Launceston Branch.
The resources available to our research team include online, digital and printed material available in our Branch Library and Libraries Tasmania (the Statewide Library Network) which includes the Tasmanian Archives.
1. Obtain a research request form (or forms) -- this can be done in one of several ways:
2. Complete a Research Request Form for each individual you need to find out about.
3. Return the form to us (by email, post or in person) along with an initial fee (see below) and a self-addressed envelope if a hard copy report is required.
4. Wait for the report to arrive. We will contact you if we need to spend more time than is covered by the initial fee.
You should send an initial fee that will cover at least 1 hour's research.
Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. - Members: $A20.00 per hour
Non-Members: $A25.00 per hour
There may be an extra charge for photocopying and printing.
There WILL be a charge for postage if a SAE is not received.
All monies in Australian Dollars.