Using DNA for Family History
Guest Presenter: Ros Escott AM
Thursday 26 September 2024, 2:00pm - 3:30pm Afternoon tea included
Flex Room 216, Inveresk Library University of Tasmania 2 Invermay Road Launceston
(Paid parking is available at Inveresk Car Park, $2.50/hour)
Open to Members and Non-Members Bookings are essential
Registrations and fee of $5.00 are payable by Tuesday 24 September. Bookings can be made at our
library in Tamar St; by mail to PO Box 1290, Launceston, 7250; Email ltntasfh@bigpond.com or
Ph. 0490 826 863. Payment can be by cash, cheque or direct debit to Acc. No. 563150 BSB: 037-608. If
paying by direct debit, please quote the reference: DNA and your surname and send an email with the names of attendees to reserve your place.
For more information, see the latest Newsletter, page 6.
Ros is a well-known Tasmanian family historian who has become an expert in DNA
analysis for family research purposes.
At this workshop, Ros will provide
* A brief review of some of the basics skills for using DNA for family history, especially those that underpin breaking down brick walls.
* What you get if you subscribe to Ancestry's new optional extra, Pro Tools, and when it might be
* An explanation/demonstration of the new 'What Are The Odds Plus' (WATO Plus) tool on DNA
Painter and why you might use it.
* An example of using Pro Tools and WATO Plus to solve and then verify an adoption mystery.